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Directed by Wes Walker & Amaury Barrera
Production House::: Primo Content
Music by Andres Levin
Editing by Martha Poly
..::STOP & SEE::.. Giorgio Armani:: Frames of Life::..
Directed by Kirsten Tan & Pepe Ávila del Pino
Production House::: The Box Films
Editing by Martha Poly
..::MG GT, Enjoy Victory::..
Directed by Hernán Kesselman
Production House::: Motion
Editing by Martha Poly
..::PALACIO DE HIERRO::.. Christmas
Directed by Jonathan Gurvit
Production House::: Madrefoca
Editing by Martha Poly
..::JOY OF PEPSI::..
Directed by Pensacola Studio
Production House::: Madrefoca
Editing by Martha Poly
..::FLAMIN' HOT::.. Doritos
Directed by Rodrigo Valdés
Production House::: The Maestros
Editing by Martha Poly
Directed by Alina Montero
Production House::: The Maestros
Editing by Martha Poly
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